Is it just me, or have you also had your teammates getting less responsive once you're on your notice period?

  • 6
    Time is money. They are choosing to invest in other assets within the company. Coworkers are not friends or family.
  • 1
    Nope. Everything is different when you are the only actual dev...
  • 1
    I've been getting less responsive since I'm on my notice period. The company must operate without me, so emergencies in my field of expertise are opportunities for someone to learn what they'd eventually have to learn anyway, just with a failsafe.
  • 3
    Haha, my last notice period was a vortex of activity as everyone was gasping for air trying to transfer knowledge after *they* allowed my bus factor to grow to the size of the moon, despite my warnings.

    Last day of notice, said my goodbyes, logged off work channels and never looked back 😂
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