
Remembering last year tweet...

  • 43
  • 14
    Haha, this is ace!

    I guess the myth of bankers being emotionless is debunked.
  • 50
    It's 2017 and somehow UTF8 is still not ubiquitous...
  • 14
    @Mayhem93 Most banks run on archaic systems.
  • 6
    @nblackburn because all they care about is money
  • 40
    @Mayhem93 That is kind of their business to be fair...
  • 7
    @nblackburn every business is backed up by technology, you don't keep the pace with it and this happens
  • 3
    You Sir, are a true legend 😊
  • 6
    @Mayhem93 Yes but banks are famously behind the times.
  • 13
    They don't change their systems because "it works" and it has been tested for years, so they have a big confidence in their system, which it will be gone as soon as they introduce a new and more modern system.
    That's why there are so many legacy systems in cobol and such. What they forget is that the world DOES change, so their systems should change as well!
  • 3
    @nbamaral unfortunately it wasn't mine, I just retweeted this (and I thought it could be shared)
  • 1
    I'm going to try this.... 😀
  • 1
    Would it be evil to test it? 🤔
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    The most important question is probably what emoji was used.
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    @redskabsskuret naaah, I don't think so
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    @mang just try them all 🤗
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    @billgates I think that's the one that broke it!
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    I really hope this is fake news.. Bit disturbing. Im working with some banks accosinaly and at least over here their dev teams are pretty updated with the latest techs
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    I don't think so, it might just be an edge case nobody thought of... I don't know many people that uses emojis in usernames (actually nobody)
    It's something I wouldn't have tested, my system would have broken badly
  • 0
    This is ass-olutely amazing!
  • 4
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