So the tests for the AMD RX 7000 GPUs are out. Business as usual: superb for non-RT gaming given the price, crap at everything else - including energy efficiency in FPS/W.

Pro tip to the AMD marketing: you don't highlight features like energy where you suck relative to the competition. You point out your strong points. Admittedly, you don't have much to work with here.

  • 1
    Still a W though. Rasterization performance remains the most important metric for most people and the performance/$ vs nvidia is very strong (20pp+ better)
  • 3
    @12bitfloat Sure, they're doing good here, but e.g. anything production related still sucks.

    There's not even an attempt to take on CUDA/ML, and the Blender performance is abysmal even with the the AMD HIP API under the most recent Blender.

    Given the price hike that AMD thought they could afford with the 6x50 refresh, maybe their management has reconnected with reality in Q3/22 where their market share tanked to an all time low of just 10%.

    Assuming they have learnt that they are by far not a level competitor to Nvidia, let alone a premium GPU company, that may bode well for aggressive pricing in the actually relevant midrange next year. Either that, or AMD will soon have to compete with fucking Intel GPUs.
  • 2
    Yeah, they did improve - but sadly, Nvidia still owns the crown.

    I hope, that AMD will revive the now nonexistent midrange market next year, so i can upgrade whithout having to spend a full PC budget just on the GPU.
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