One evening I put on my Quest2 and have some fun with the Climb2. I fell off the cliff a few times. Next morning my 5yo wakes up with shitty mood and tells me he had a dream how he was on a hill and fell off. It wasva bad dream.

A few days later I was watching The Troll on Netflix. I like this king of genre so I was enjoying it. Next morning my kiddo wakes up all excited with 'daddy daddy, I've had a dream of a mountain!'. 'Did you fall off this one too' - I rush to ask. He says: 'no, but the mountain stood up and it was like a man!'

he's been asleep both times. I was with my headphones during the movie and on 1bar of volume during the climb. He's never seen neither the game nor the movie [or any troll, for that matter]. And I'm not making this up.

How... How the hell did he do that. Do we after all float in some wibbly-wobbly ether we can communicate through?

  • 3
    kids gives eyes and mouth to every object that they see
  • 1
    Looks like you need some Zener cards... 👻
  • 1
    @netikras, yo kiddo got Bluetooth mf.
  • 0
    Also, yes. Our brain regions do communicate through some sort of electro magnetic waves between areas, aside from the chemical and wired transmissions.
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