I think the number 1 reason I hate PHP is not because the language itself is really really really bad; but because it's so easy to google "how to php" and get tons of tutorials (full of shit code) that most of the PHP programmers are bad and have no CS studies whatsoever, resulting in unmantainable tight-coupled pieces of [spaghetti] code that won't even encapsulate any business logic.

Anybody else feeling like changing to a different language a similar reason?

  • 3
    Frameworks are their to prevent the spaghetti code. But honestly, it's not the programming language which make the spaghetti, it's the programmer.
  • 2
    Frameworks help in providing structure and basic componets, but it's pointless if the programmer put everything in the controller
  • 0
    @Artemix @Germaticus switched to new keyboard app! :D
  • 2
    lang = 'PHP';
    while ( has_bad_programmers(lang) )
    lang = other_lang(lang);

    it seems to be an infinite loop
  • 3
    PHP really is an awful language, though.
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