my 2022 went so great that i can feel the tremors that 2023 is goin to bring. my mom will be super ready to throw her taunts and 'i told you so' when i fuck up, and i have already set up myself to fail

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    @Marethyun i will be failing at life apparently.

    1. i messed up my future job scenario https://devrant.com/rants/6184256

    2. my home ppl are overly conscious and sometimes small minded folks who get very adamant on very little things and i end up fighting about them. their ending argument is basically this : "since we are saying this X thing, it is correct , fuck your logics or demands for explanation. follow this/us or you are a spoilt brat". so am expecting a lot of fights.

    small eg : my folks are against me working out. i never went to gym until this year, when i went for 8 months in a row and now its my favourite part of the day to socialise/disconnect with tech/sweat out. they are conscious aginst me working too hard, whereas i never train with heavy weights and am payjng 3x any normal person to get a personal codch to train for safety. we fight on this on usual basis.
    2023 fight is going to be about when they find about the protien suppliment I have just bought and hidden
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    @dotenvironment keep up the good fight! I like that you work on things that matter and hope you can get out under the thumb of your folk soon.
    I was in a similar situation. My folk completely dropped the ball on me and where very negative. Especially when I couldn't finish school. I've heard the "you'll amount to nothing" comment so many times.
    They are separated and both holding quite good jobs yet I make more than both their salaries combined.

    I can fight you about the protein stuff right here if you want.🤣
    You probably don't really need it. It can help a bit if you want a carbless diet or into real body building so you need to give the steroids something to work with. Other than that no doctor in any part of the world that sell protein shakes has encountered someone with a protein deficit.
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    @hjk101 i just want to try it, it came out of fuck off money (the amount of money that i keep for spending on high risk investments that I won't mind getting lost). i plan to see if it works for me, coz am working out for last 8 months and have seen some muscles shaping up in my beer-belly-fat body. i also think that my diet might be protien deficient though as its almost fully vegan(not my choice) with just milk products
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    There is no failure, there is only forgetting to load a dependency.
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