
This is brutal

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    I agree with this, you should be wanting quality over badly cobbled together cash grabs.
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    ... have they aren't there own appstore...
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    There is no reason why anybody shouldn't do their best when publishing something.
  • 9
    @DefiniteGoose There are reasons to hate AppStore policy. This is the least one of them.
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    @gnaaah like them reverse engineering peoples code which is shady as hell.
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    @nblackburn Google is doing just the same as of I/O 2017...
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    @gnaaah Well that sucks just as much.
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    It's their policy and it is 100% up to them to decide it. Deciding whether or not to work with them is 100% up to you, so no matter how much I personally dislike their mentality, I don't​ see anything wrong with it.
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    I like that mentality. There's too much wishy washy hand holding in the world today. I respect Apple for setting out their stall. It's up to them and no-one can say it's not working for them.
  • 3
    @busuu why are they assholes? It is their policy, and you know it before making your decision to develop for their platform or not. They are not tricking anyone, they do not harm anyone. If anything, they stick with their 'it just works' moto by only allowing users to access apps that meet their criteria.
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    @busuu but why? If you're pushing half-assed stuff to the App Store then you should go fuck yourself because no respectable dev would want anything half assed to be seen by the general public. On the same note, as a user I would be pissed if this policy wasn't enforced. I don't want to be using half assed stuff
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