Fucking idiot lead dev who’s 10 years younger then me doesnt know fucking respect. Dumbass comes with every new framework there is:
- ow we should try abc.js
One week later
- now we should totally get in def.js. It’s soooo much better then abc.js!

Screwing up projects, asking for an extra pair of eyes and then asking wtf is this code.

Im out of here if we’re hiring toddlers for lead developers because they are willing to work 50 hours a week. I better get that raise soon.

  • 5
    Sounds like bad practice
  • 4
    Get out of there
  • 5
    Yeah get out, I was made a lead before I was ready to be and it actually took a “junior” five years older than me sitting me down and delicately telling me that I didn’t have a clue to fix it. I don’t advise you do it with him but before I had the talk I was fatally naive, in that period between “I know nothing” and “I know nothing”, sounds like he may be too.
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