
Boasting you know programming just because you watched some programming videos doesn't help in any of the case, I learned this the hard way because I tried to show off in front a girl and turned out, she knew more and better. This was when I was 14, very bad memory

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    child hood always painful 😭
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    @Ashkin you are laughing like you were the girl I was boasting in front of
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    @sam9669 I might have been haha

    I'm remembering the nerdy guys trying to impress me. It rarely ever worked. They were so _awful_!
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    @Ashkin became they didn't knew you liked girls only ?
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    @Ashkin I wish I would have been there instead of them, I would have impressed you with my html and c++ skills....😋😋😉😉
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    @sam9669 I didn't really know that at the time, though, so I can't imagine anyone else did either.
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    @sam9669 maybe 😋
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    @Ashkin hey tell me one thing, are the girls just as approachable as they appear to be online, IRL ?
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    @sam9669 Totally depends on the girl.

    Some women are total bitches. Some are nice but appear bitchy (like me). Some appear nice but really aren't. Most just hate being hit on.

    My advice: learn to recognize personality types (e.g. MBTI) and approach people based on that. And strive to make friends before anything else. You'll have much better luck!

    But in general, pretty close. They're closer to their real life personas than most men are.
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    @Ashkin well you don't appear that bitchy in your avatar 😅😅
    Also, thanks For the honest advice
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    @sam9669 I'm very much no-nonsense, and I hate stupidity. I'm also often not aware when I'm being rude or insensitive, so I don't always seem like the nicest person.
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    (To put it simply, I'm an INTJ.)
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