I am so sick and tired of ChatGPT being down all the time! It's like the developers at OpenAI just don't care about the people who rely on this tool to get their work done. I mean, come on, it's not like we're asking for much here. We just need a stable, reliable language model that we can rely on to complete our tasks. But no, instead we have to deal with constant downtime, error messages, and other issues that make it impossible to get anything done.

And don't even get me started on the lack of support and communication from the OpenAI team. It's like they're completely oblivious to the fact that their product is causing major headaches for so many people. I mean, I understand that developing and maintaining a large language model is no small feat, but that's no excuse for the constant problems we're facing.

I'm honestly at my wit's end with this whole thing. It's just so frustrating and frustratingly frustrating to have something that should be so simple and straightforward be such a constant source of stress and frustration. If the OpenAI team can't get their act together and provide a reliable product, then they need to step aside and let someone who can do the job properly take over.

I just hope that they're listening and that they'll take the necessary steps to fix these issues and provide a service that we can all depend on. Because right now, it's just not cutting it.

  • 3
    Totally agree with you. I mean, for the money we’re paying for this, we better be getting top notch service
  • 0
    And I assume you're on a paid plan?

    (btw use the "Rant/story"" category for, well, rants and stories)
  • 0
  • 0
    They apperrently loose 3 million dollars in prccessing power every daY
  • 11
    You're joking right?

    If you "rely" on a new released beta service of a first of a kind language model of this size and access to "finish your work". You have seriously fucked up somewhere along the way.

    Even if you pay for it, take a good hard look at your business decisions. The bloody thing released 2 months ago, and you shifted your business security to it? Are you nuts?

    I'm going to assume this is a joke, cause it kinda borderline reads like a joke, but I've heard people talk worse bs before, so idk
  • 4
    Ah yes, let's rely on an not even finished beta AI product to get real work done.

    Wondering now if you are doing the work you are supposed to do. Because if you need an AI to help you out, the problem is not with ChatGPT
  • 5
    if you're really relying on chatGPT, you're doing it wrong.

    and/or have the rare, superfluous kind of job that REALLY can get replaced by an AI.
  • 3

    Let me try find plausible case...

    1. Maybe fellow devranter works for MS or smh on some integration of chatgpt?

    2. Maybe fellow devranter works on reporting /investigating the bot to for example produce research paper of some description about it

    3. Troll?

    I tried, okay?
  • 1
    An exercise for the reader:

    Can you write a program in a plain text editor that can compile or run successfully?

    If you receive errors during compilation or runtime, are you able to parse the error messages and eventually arrive at a functioning program?

    If you cannot do either without the aid of an IDE or chatbot or even another person, you're not a programmer. Being able to bang enough rocks together that you stumble into a working program you have no understanding of is not programming. It is luck.

    That's not to say you can never become one, but you still have a ways to go.
  • 5
    Use "joke" tag for jokes - not "devrant".
  • 1
    @cuddlyogre To be fair, even ChatGPT gives you garbage for your first question : https://imgur.com/nUf1ui4

    I really hope OP is not using it without checking the output...
  • 1
    Devs of today: "Stackoverflow is down. I can’t do my work."

    Devs of tomorrow: "ChatGPT is down. I can’t do my work."
  • 1
    @DubbaThony huh, you did try!

    Those kinda make sense, except 1. Would probably be given a private instance or something.

    But 2. I could imagine? Kinda?

    Still, I doubt it
  • 1

    Private instance...
    You never know whats behind closed doors, all kinds of pathologies are off limits tbh. Even if I would expect that its the case, I wouldnt be suprised if it wasn't.

    Anyway wild doubtful speculation lmao
  • 3
    LOL, this rant just smells woke.
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