fuck layoffs and fuck bullshit business talk

  • 5
    "it's not you, it's the economic downturn."

    In other news the economy grew 2.9%
  • 4
    @sariel Actual economic growth doesn't matter - it is the fear of that growth to become negative, that does.

    Businesses are planned economies. They have to take the future into account. In uncertain times, preemptive cost cuts can enable individual businesses to survive a comming depression (although all businesses doing so can also cause that depression).
  • 5
    @Oktokolo how does one resist the urge to press ++
  • 2
    @electrineer Nah, just press the button - i need the ups for premium.
  • 1
    @sariel Said the CEO as he takes a salary cut and can only get 20 m USD per year.
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