  • 4
    @linuxbrother11 not me, my boss did this and I was all weekend out. After that started flaming me for this and that I had to fix it ASAP...

    As I was without my pc, I wouldn't be able to, plus, it was an iOS app, so no use doing it on the weekend, as the earliest it could be updated would be on Monday with lots of luck
  • 0
    @shozukan interesting, I didn't know that Apple didn't roll out updates on the weekends
  • 2
    @HnDev from my experience, they don't. Never got a app approved on the weekend and got some approved on mondays
  • 5
    "Just push to prod and let's go. ” - it was the beginning of the end of their weekend.
  • 0
    or a Saturday....
  • 1
    This is why Fridays I get drunk and study new things, and work on feature branches which are not ready for a merge yet. I won't touch the master branch until monday.
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