
Isn't there something less of a clusterfuck than kubernetes.....
Yes it's a clusterfuck literally

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    That's called VM's...

    Like nothing obscure or wizardry with images and containers and shit.
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    @Grumm I get it but manually managing VMs is no better though....
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    @jassole Yes, it all depends what your plan is.

    Here, we have VM's for windows servers and all.

    But on my personal PC I use Docker for different Node projects.
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    Just name your k8s cluster fuck and you're all set.

    Jokes aside, I love k8s! But I understand how complicated and huge it is. If you need any help feel free to ask. I'm not an expert but I'm alright at it.
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    @lungdart Once you understand it, it is a wonderful tool :)
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    @Grumm @lungdart I assume you are using Google Cloud than AWS? I just have a problem that it doesn't match closely the environment I am working or maybe I am too lazy to learn it.....
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    @Grumm I've worked on GKE and EKS. anything specific you need an answer on?
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    @jassole @lungdart, I don't need answers.

    Messed around with Kubernetes locally. I use it just for to have containers for different projects.
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    @lungdart For starters, I'd like to immediately see the cost estimation derived from the kubernetes config files across all major cloud services.
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    @jassole kubecost can do that (not from the manifests but from monitoring the clusters).

    There's an open alternative called opencost, but the paid for one gives you action items to reduce cost I believe.

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