Me and my mates rent a flat near the beach to work together on some code. We usually live in Saigon Vietnam which is a very nusy and polluted city. So beach is nice.

However,we went from office houra to full on, waking up and having breakfast at 5pm some days and others ant 2Am....

Right now i love on 12 hour day cycles.

Anyyyways. I also learnt to code this year.

So right now i was dreaming... And i did not dreami was coding, but my dream seemed to be organized like a code. For a split second,my mind was between the two worlds.... I actually thought to myself that i was surely a robot!!!

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    Dreaming about code - that totally sucks for me. I sometimes have bad sleeps and dream about code - like coding away the bug that's keeping the sleep away. And because of that focus on code, I can't sleep. And I'm stressed because I need to code to save my sleep. Sucks so much. I just miss my dreams when I'm flying a spaceship as a captain, where all of the crew members are half naked Victoria Secret models. They were so soothing.
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