
ugh. my isp apparently doesn't allow to change DNS in its routers. what a load of bullshit.

Internet has been really flakey lately because of this

  • 3
    Can't you just change them in your device?

    Computers, phones and even most TVs can.
  • 8
    Add your own router after the provided one if you must use it
  • 6
    two options: 1) change your ISP, because they are obviously a supporter of orweillian dystopias. 2) add your own router behind it and let that one handle DNS.
  • 6
    In addition to your own router, also set it up for DNS-over-HTTPS so your ISP doesn't still hijack DNS requests.

    (I don't know how common this is anymore, but scummy ISPs have tried everything.)
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX even though you can, it's bloody annoying (I can relate cause I have the same issue)
  • 1

    Well in that case, as @electrineer said set your ISP provided router to ONT mode and use your own router.
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX yeah, actually I rented a vps and set up a vpn on my rasp. Pretty overengineered tbh but it works.
  • 0
    yes when I get around to it I'll propably set up an old router from a brand to do everything exept the internet translation (whatever the technical term is). that router is already in use as an overpriced switch btw.

    @CoreFusionX true but I actually quite like DHCP ;)
  • 0
    @tosensei maybe less orwellian and more of the spreading infantillization of users

    I wanna fix my own damn shit but of course as a user I'm to dumb for that and should be kept out
  • 1

    You can keep using DHCP while having a manual DNS.
  • 0
    its so you can never leave the existing DNS system and they can tighten control more and more.

    This will become increasingly common going forward.
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