To hire juniors or to hire seniors?

What is your company's hiring policy?

  • 9
    Hire people on their skill not an artificial title.
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    @nblackburn I'm with on this.

    My current company doesn't even consider someone with less than 3 or so years experience. They simply don't want "juniors".

    My argument is, "so let some other company teach them good or bad habits and then we'll take them".
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    @GinjaNinja Yes, everyone can flourish under the right conditions but you need to be willing and not everyone is.
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    5 years+ for me. Have enough "inexperienced" developers in our "shadow it" dept
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    @thecleaner I get that!

    But justify that... It can't just be a case of "I've had enough"

    We "experienced" folk are responsible for teaching the n00bs!
  • 3
    If a company doesn't hire juniors because of their perceived lack of experience, I usually see it as a red flag. In my experience, it's meant that they don't have a culture or a system in place to mentor our nourish talent.
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    @qmfnp You, Sir, are an effing genius!
  • 1
    @qmfnp damn fine point
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