As a Dev,
I hate writing Docs.

As a Dev,
I hate it when there's no Docs.

Vicious Cycle.

  • 17
    As a dev, I love writing docs though but no one else does.... because they don't understand The Joy of Writing Things Down (this is the title of a Medium post that's currently a WIP)

    And it's sort of ironic if you think about it... We WRITE code all day long...

    My latest baby saves me 20 minutes of boring work every day! More time now to write docs... and watch everyone else continue to run around like headless chickens... While I pretend I'm working...
  • 10
    And I just used my new ++ powers... To fix 3 typos, 27 mins later 😀
  • 4
    I love doing javadoc! Its sooo easy and so usefull
  • 2
    Do you hate yourself?
  • 1
    @RakNoel or sphinx or dokka
  • 1
    Actually I love to write docs for my code and other developers that are touching my code love them too.
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    I have always wished there was a check while compiling that says "generate documentation" and when u leave it checked it gives u options "LLD, HLD, and more"...😂
  • 3
    My current work involves improving code structure and automate few processes. It also involves implementation of proper CI and CD pipelines.
    Thus most of the time I spend writing Google Docs to explain what did I just changed and how things will go from here, to the developers.
    Everyone hated reading that many docs, but after a month they loved how there's always a doc to save their time. 😁
  • 0
    As someone who works with php everyday, you are the worst.
  • 3
    I am honest, I did not document at all for years. But since about one year I understand how important documenting is and I love it!
    You know, sometimes you are stuck on a wall - then write some docs and it just frees your head!
  • 0
    Consider programming languages with sum types
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    @stop noo idea what that even is
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    @RakNoel Sphinx is the System from Python. It can read the sourcecode and generate the documentation from it. The Python doc is generated with it. Dokka is the Kotlin equivalent.
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    I hate writing comments but I hate it when code is completely void of comments. The cycle never ends
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    @Jorefice27 so you should break the cycle by writing a comment :)
  • 2
    As a dev, I hate when the technical writer has no clue what they're doing or how to write docs.
  • 1
    Solution: Cover your code with an extensive suite of unit tests. Thats a pretty good form of documentation when you think about it, for other devs anyway. We like to see code examples. And well written unit tests give you comprehensive code examples for the entire system, because they call the system every way it can be called using a variety of inputs.
  • 1
    I actually like writing docs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 1
    @KimberlyTheGeek wooooh! Anotherone!
  • 0
    If all I could do as a dev in a company was to write docs, I couldn't be happier. No debugging, no thinking, no problems. Just read the code and write down what it does and how it should be used. 8 hours of that. Then go back home, with a mind clear as day, because there wasn't any problem that I couldn't solve in that time period. Just docs. Nothing better.
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