
Sometimes I really wonder about the elites supporting the woke culture, BLM movement, to the point saying "All lives matter" they go nuts is rather sinister. ie push the needle too far beyond the cringyness and use reverse psychology mechanism to bring maximum hatred as possible to the opposing group to the point of creating wars and conflict

There is a saying that goes "Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change." So could be that to bring back the war economy.

I mean history is filled with such tactics on a grand scale: Nero, Hitler, Neocons such as strauses, Wolfowitz (lookup wolfowitz leaked doctrine), drumsfied, nuland leading the Iraq war (it did bring people together for a while before they realize it was a sham). And now same thing with China and Russia.

It makes no sense otherwise for the elitists to support it.

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    @electrineer simple because I don't care give a damn about what you think I should and shouldn't say here, lmao. Isn't that pretty obvious?
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    All I know is that the world sucks, just in general.

    I stopped reading/listening to news because of how depressing this is
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    @retoor ok go elsewhere and post in your own rant about how bad I am then. People with no logical argument want censorship bad because truths are inconvinient.
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    Isn't it convenient how 9/11 pushed both parties to create the Patriot Act? Now do the math. They wanted the Patriot Act (which allows them to basically arrest anyone on suspicion with no due process, SS shit basically) so they created a reason. Now look at every push to erode rights. It is always coupled with a convenient cause. When people realize they create the causes as well then shit gets really uncomfortable. Because that kind of evil is hard to comprehend or even accept that it exists.
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    @Hazarth thats good.

    People should stop taking news at face value, from any side. They mostly exists to serve propaganda.

    Read news, then looks for what the opposite has to say, or validate it using various sources.

    Observe consistency of a news source over the time and make up your judgement. Do not let the news do the thinking part of your brain.
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    @jassole You're preaching to the choir. I already don't trust anything I don't research on my own from at least a couple of sources from both sides.

    What I mean is, I avoid news and echo chambers n stuff not because they are manipulative, but because I'm actively getting depressed and stressed just by knowing how fucked up the world is. I'm trying to live my life a bit more isolated and willfully ignorant of some stuff, because fuck, I'm too old for it. I just want to have a stable life with stable income and spend the time with people I love instead of being constantly worried about societies fuckups.
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    @Demolishun Yeah was reading that a while ago. Now the damage have been done, and it has become the status quo, nobody challenges it.

    Feels each crisis mostly from the US is carefully crafted for a specific purpose, or to let the population be the servant using fear tactics, right out of Goebbels playbook.
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    @jassole Nazi Germany was a trial run for what is happening now.
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    @Hazarth If you are just depressed all the time because of the state of the world, believe me, there is a way you can use it as a force for good. You can shift your perspective and revitalize yourself and use the negative energy to be an ultimate driver of your ambition or something towards your purpose.

    Not long ago I used to be like yourself.

    As they say for anything there has to be an equal and opposite force, you could become the opposite one.
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    Ignore world news.

    Acquire pussy and currency.
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    @Wisecrack lmao. that's one way to live.

    When people are faced with events that are traumatic, religious people seek comfort in God. Modern atheists have nothing to fall back to, as they haven't faced horrific disastrous tragic events.

    So a man's character is built in his lowest point.
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