:O And it requires a 2060???!

  • 2
    Not a 3080, won't play it. Must be low quality
  • 1
    @KDSBest I rock a 970 🥲
  • 0
    Early access
  • 0
    I think KSP makes still more sense than KSP2 and it probably will be for the near future.

    Because all the mods that exist only for KSP and KSP2 requires a powerfull PC even without mods most people don't have.
  • 0
    @ScriptCoded I develop games and specialist in backends, but in my game studio I also do the technical art
  • 0
    It's still 2023 guess you have to be patient
  • 0
    15% cheaper on green man gaming but yeah still more than I'd like
  • 1
    @sutekh42 true. looked at the price yesterday and was like "how fucking much?!"
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