
I mean, none of us are sad to see Twitter collapse or this great douche own himself on a daily basis, but even I'm starting to feel bad about the 'look, I know engineery stuff!' posts.

  • 3
    He is right though.
  • 5
    @Oktokolo even a fucked clock is right twice a day
  • 3
    never cared abt Twitter, never will
  • 4
    Mind you, he is a physicist, which already sets him in a very valid mindset to be a good engineer.

    (I, myself, am a physicist, and that made it infinitely easier to deal with software engineering)

    If, on top of that, you add successful entrepreneur and businessman...

    Hate all you want, I'm not praising nor defending him, but trying to demean him for "trying to sound engineer-y" seems envy at worst and childish at best.
  • 4
    @CoreFusionX I thought he was pretty cool at first, interviews etc he seemed like a clever and thoughtful guy, but after a few months of posting incel-level memes and basically running Twitter into the ground (which is a valuable public service to perform, just...he didn't mean to), I'm not sure.

    I don't hate him, just find him a bit cringeworthy, and re. childish, only one of the two of us has ever posted an NPC meme with a straight face.
  • 4
    @CoreFusionX I think his cars are shit and bad for the environment. I love Space X. Space is the future. I like what he is attempting to do on twitter. The meltdown by the people who don't is delicious. I won't use Twitter as I think it is shit. But the meltdown is delicious. Maybe I just want to see certain world views burn.
  • 2
    @Demolishun I'm not sure how I feel about billionaires owning private space programs when national governments can't afford to anymore, it was always inevitable but something about that does creep me out a bit.
  • 4
    @MM83 There is nothing stopping people from making another platform. Gab did it, Truth Social did it. I don't use those either. But yeah, Twitter was still owned before, and it was being manipulated by the state. I don't want the state saying what can and cannot be said regardless of where. Private companies will come and go.

    I got off facebook years ago when I realized it was a collection point for the government to peer into my private life. That to me is more dangerous than anything else. I also found the platform was pushing people into my life I didn't want. Like some seriously f'd up stuff. So I already have a huge distrust of all of these platforms.
  • 3
    @MM83 I think it's less that they can't afford it and more that it doesn't win elections anymore.
  • 2
    @Demolishun no, I did the same with Facebook. It wasn't even about it being manipulated by the state, more that it was manipulating me - you don't want to be the product, but that's basically the model now. Too many days wasted on a stupid platform that then knew too much about me.

    For this reason, I'm quite happy that he's destroying Twitter, and I don't want a replacement, I just find it funny how he is doing so in the belief that he knows better than the engineering team: I've worked under enough PMs who "know the code" (spent a night on codeacademy) to know the type when I see it.

    When we're getting into his wealth bracket, I don't know that there's even much difference between an individual and a government, it's an entity that is too powerful, full stop - so I don't really see it as any better than it was.

    We're at a kind of mega-oligarch phase, and like you, I quite want to watch something burn, just not sure what it'll be yet.
  • 2
    @spongessuck you take my point. When I was a kid we were like 'wow, Bill Gates has 1bn in the bank' - now, Elon Musk can turn an entire satellite array that an engaged army depends on, on or off on a whim/temper tantrum. Whoever it is, whatever side they're on, that creeps me out. At least we have some paltry mechanisms for influencing or changing governments. He answers to nobody but himself.
  • 2
    @MM83 There are people and groups who control trillions of dollars of wealth. I am more worried about the influence they wield over governments and media. A good example of this is Blackrock. They are into some pretty dark things from what I can tell.
  • 1
    @Demolishun true, but I don't know that one changes the other. The world's probably always been controlled by shady groups with interests contrary to mine or yours - but even then, you'd imagine that someone in that group with Elon's twitter output would be sat down in the secret volcano HQ and told to grow up a bit. It's an interesting phase we're entering and I salute him completely trashing his reputation as a polymath and an emotional adult, but I have no idea where this all ends.
  • 1
    @MM83 Billionaires owning space companies is like them owning aircraft companies.

    Space X is like Lockheed Martin pretty important for the USA's ability to project military power abroad to defend current and future colonies.
  • 2
    @Oktokolo I'm not American, so its ability to project military power isn't a primary concern of mine, but I take your point. Still, this isn't the same thing. The CEO of Lockheed Martin is nowhere near as rich or personally influential, and atmospheric flight is pretty well-done by now. Worldwide, there are hundreds of such companies. The US contracts several, and they rely on that for their money. They are the client.

    If the USA ends up relying on SpaceX, the dynamic has reversed. This isn't LM bidding for the chance to make a fighter. This is the US govt bidding for the chance to use SpaceX. That's not good.
  • 2
    @MM83 Don't worry, if Elon misbehaves, there always is the NSA with its secret courts to ensure his and his companies' loyalty...
  • 1
    @MM83 Both Dr. Evil and Bezos have dick rockets, just sayin...
  • 1
    @Demolishun and bald heads, and one droopy eye, and legit shell enterprises...now you mention it, the similarities are too uncanny.
  • 2
    "twitter collapse" was supposed to happen after a week of takeover as theorized by you left-wing nutters.

    Hasn't happened, so here you are bitching and moaning.
  • 1
    @MM83 Try getting a group of people together even say 2 people to build a rocket.

    Oh shit, you can't. So need to bitch and moan about what other people do with their money. Quit that whiny attitude of yours.
  • 1
    His geeky PR department is working overtime I guess
  • 1
    @MM83 there is nobody in your "nobody". ;)

    Nobody likes your shit here either, This is devrant, not r/depression.
  • 0
    @jassole they do, this has been a fun discussion, even with some weirdo trying to derail it. Go watch a Sargon video and wish you were American.
  • 1
    @MM83 lmao. wtf you on about? You make 0 sense. Maybe it's time for your hormone injection to feel "normal". Just don't go shooting up schools with that brain of yours.
  • 0
    @jassole night night cupcake. Hope tomorrow goes better than today did. Doesn't seem too high a bar.
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