  • 24
    Devrant: 6 months
  • 20
    My product: -2836281915 years
  • 23
    Your mom : 2 days

  • 2
    Trump : 1 day
  • 2
    Though this doesn't really say much about the usefulness of each product, because the rate at which each product gains users is also dependent on accessibility (Twitter vs Airplanes) and world population.
    Still somewhat interesting anyways.
  • 2
    It's not that weird considering the last 3 on the list are digital services instead of physical products, and that Earth's population was much smaller when electricity and airplanes were introduced.

    Still incredible how fast things are going since the start of the century.
  • 10
    Fidget spinners: 2 days
  • 0
    My app, PeterPiper 11months
  • 0
  • 0
    @shagster70 seriously? :o
  • 1
    Wouldn't technically any internet based software be 'the time it took for the internet + it's time'?
  • 1
    @RAZERZ and internet "the time it took for electricity +..."
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