
WTF!!!!!!!!!! THIS ONE IS NASTY!!!!! CANT GET THE POPU TO GO AWAY NO MATTER WHAT AND CANT SWITCH WINDOWS....UGH................. All my open tabs.....

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    nvm..... ALT+F4 saves the day....
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    Kill the browsers process, pop ups area pain for sure.
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    @billgates You have to love the so called detection, Porn spying with risk :)
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    @Rexzooly I have other windows with open tabs that I still need... Killing is not a good option
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    Inspect the element, open console, set element display to none
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    @nbamaral how would I do that when there's a pop-up dialog blocking the whole browser?
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    @3K-Vengeance that's what I tried, I held Esc for N seconds dismissing N*m dialogs, no option appeared
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    Damm, that's harder, and I'm not that used to chrome, isn't there a hotkey to bring the developer mode?
    That one should be always responsive :(
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    Riskware haha
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    What the heck is a pornographic spyware!!?? xD
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    @Olverine funny how you guy's actually read the message. No idea what you ppl were talking about till I read the whole thing.
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    @billgates you better change your facebook password quick before the pornographic riskware logs in to your account!! Haha!!!
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    @Olverine and lose a chance at posting porn on Facebook with a valid excuse? Why would I do that? 😁
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    @billgates just be careful man! It's called riskware for a reason!
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    I just got this very same pop up not long ago, I was able to esc and then close the tap within seconds it popped open.

    Still love the porn spying with risk :P
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