We used to have a dated VoIP/Chat client called Telepo. Then we moved to Uno Mjuk, which is not at all the improvement I was hoping for. What annoys me most is the automatic spell checker in chats. I hate spell checking while typing. Every jagged red edge makes my brain want to crawl out of my head. What makes it even worse, is that the spell checker is set to English while 100% of our chats are in Swedish, so like everything I type appears to be misspelled according to Uno Mjuk. There is no way to change langauge and the spell checker cannot even be disabled! What a piece of unbelievably useless crap!

  • 1
    I joust found that Mitel is the culprit. Uno has reported this bug long ago, but still nothing from Mitel. Perhaps they are all on summer holiday? A friendly tip to Mitel, how about testing your products before delivering them to customers?
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