I guess I was just being used all along by her 🥲

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    if you are still guessing that means you can be wrong. but either way don't take it too personally, we all use one another constantly and it's really hard to measure if one person uses the other more, so we can all just care less about that ;)
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    @We3D yeah it’s different tho when u think u are in a relationship for 7 months and find out that all she wanted you for was sex
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    @chonky-quiche it's not that bad, at least it's not your money or death what's she's after. Enjoy it while it lasts ;]
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    @We3D you think you know shit but you really don’t know anything
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    @chonky-quiche true, I speculate a lot, but what I know is based on my exp mainly, so it's my thruths. Take it or leave it. is your choice.
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    @We3D hmmmmm let’s see…

    Yeah, I’ll leave it.

    There’s just no substance you know. Not enough concrete-ness. More so like playing pretend in a old boomer pretentious way, ya know?
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    @chonky-quiche Good. Have a nice life man. Wish you happoness :)
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    Hoping you find someone who treats you right and is equally "shagadelic" ♥️

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    @MammaNeedHummus uh this comment might make me cry later lol
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    @chonky-quiche It's good to cry - I hope it's a good one 🌞♥️

    My goto: sad but wholesome film + late night in bed + comfort food for dinner = amazing cry + healing + long needed sleep
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    @MammaNeedHummus yesss a film connected to strengthening children to parent relationships usually gets me a little teary eyed. It’s pretty hard for me to cry but if I take a 10 mg edible and start going thru old journals/scrapbooks while listening to my old mixtapes, that will get a full cry goin.
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