
Fighting against a read-only-memory-write exception of a com object for two days. Feeling like Spartacus but without a result for now. Wanna only sit down and cry. 😢 by the way... Outdated machines with win7 and 2 gigs of ram 😨. This is my second I-hate-this-F*****g-world rant this month. I'm gonna really hate this world! 😬😈

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    Can you buy yourself out of com-hell? I'd throw it at Plattski if I had the budget for it 😊
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    @uxmedic ... Is this spam???
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    @cobra No, just knew that the guy that wrote the books on COM does consulting. But I understand why you asked. Saw it in his "don't get me started" UX column in msdn magazine, I think.
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    Just realized that @dfox +1 all my latest rants... Cheers guys!!! 😘
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