
I want to work on personal projects but this keeps distracting me :/

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    What exactly is overwatch?
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    Everything Team Fortress 2 wants to be, best FPS out, blizzard made it, it's like crack haha
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    Literally me!
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    @DeveloperACE A Class based FPS made by Blizzard (People who made games like World of Warcraft)
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    @DeveloperACE it's tf2 for people who only care for flashy animations, lack skill and worship blizzard.
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    @linkinmedo so tf2 is better?
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    @DeveloperACE tf2 is the same game, now we have 2 tf2s. is this bad? no.
    but is it groundbreaking best game ever 10/10 goty like blizzard fans say it is? hell to the motha fudging no.
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    Such a fun game, especially when you get a good team together. Maybe I've healed you (Mercy), or shot you in the face with a rocket (Farah). Good times!
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    Seriously, this has been my three friends and I for the last 3 weeks...
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    @JSnow But you have responsibilities as the Lord Commander of the Knights Watch :)
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    Love Overwatch! Lucio!
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    @joeygreen Spamzo or Junkrat are my two most played :) Add me on linxlad if you like :)
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    @linxlad what's your full battle tag?
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    @joeygreen linxlad#2646 :)
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