The Vice President of the company told me that he saw me in his dream the night before.

  • 11
    Ooeehh, what did you do in that dream?
  • 23
    you were not supposed to be seen...

    You can get fired for intruding into your VP's unconsciousness. It's VERY inappropriate.

    What a rookie mistake
  • 3
    @retoor probably some hot and wet activity
  • 2
    Like artificial neural networks, biological neural networks tend to "make stuff up". Sometimes the hallucination is just that there was something about current sensory data in the memory before. Sometimes that deja vu is a bit more complete like in that VP's case.

    People who believe in divination tend to decide based on beliefs and feelings instead of overwhelming facts. For a more logic-orinted person, they are pretty annoying to work with. Had one of these myself.
  • 0
    Oh, well
  • 4
    Oh good the mind probes I sent you are working.

    Report back if the sexual tension gets too much for you
  • 1
    The dream was a nightmare, and the only thing that occurred was he handed you your paycheck (it was more than $5 meaning he only got to take home 4 million this year)
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