I thought that learning C would give me a good baseline for learning whatever other programming language.

Then I started looking into Haskell.

  • 1
    Your learning step is cool!
  • 1
    Nothing prepares you for haskell. It's a different paradigm. But once you learn those two you will be a semi-god
  • 0
    What aplication has Haskell over most-known languages like C and Java? I'm afraid I have never heard of it...
  • 3
    @Teravan maybe you just don't listen.
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    @Teravan C is a procedural language. Java is object oriented. Haskell in the other hand is a functional language. It's not that they solve different problems, it's just another way of solving the same problems. Which one is better? None.
  • 1
    And Lisp??
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    Erlang or elixir might somehow prepare you for Haskell better. But most who learn haskell & Erlang would likely learn haskell first anyway
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    Nothing is pure in this world, it's a beautiful lie. Just waitbtill you have to convince your team members, manager, client to use haskell. Everything is dirty, impure and painful

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