Starting to hate resharper for visual studio 2015. Pushes studio memory consumption up by almost 1/2gb with a moderately sized solution. Come on jetbrains sort it out we know it's coz you won't integrate with roslyn.

Doesn't help that vs is still 32bit with a 1.5mb memory cap that will kill the process ...... And Microsoft please sort that shit out as well,32bit app on a 64bit system .... Come on WTF.....

You two sort your shit out 😡

  • 2
    I ran into some weirdness with a forms application a while back because I was running 32bit VS on 64bit Windows with a 64bit project. I was using some precompiled modules and if you loaded the designer with the 64bit modules everything would break.
  • 1
    We've ran into this at my company too. It's a major bummer. A workaround we use is to open up a solution in VS 2015. And if we have any additional solutions we need open we use 2013.
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