So I own a small business that is a licensee of about a few hundred other ones. I wanted a mail list from the corporate office and they wanted to charge me. (we already pay them hundreds if not thousands a month) So I wrote a python script to scrape their website and get the info for free. I love programming!

  • 8
    In the banking industry, seems like every vendor wants you to pay an arm and a leg for API access. Had to use this strategy a few times. Just sucks when they change their site.
  • 5
    The sad thing is I would be happier if they updated their site. It was developed in the early 90s with tables and little classes or id's used. I hacked up my python code so bad just to get the data needed.
    I would be embarrassed to share the code haha
  • 0
    @krazy-dev as long it gets the job done
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