
( bad english alert )
Why everybody from my school class, saying "Windows is better than linux, because windows don't have commands like linux"

  • 14
    Cause windows is the best open source OS ever, there are no virus and it is un hackable and all this beauty is for free. Windows is soo lightweight that it runs on any machine frome the oldest to the most advanced. You can write your progam in any language out of the box. Windows is so advanced that most drivers are all ready installed so no need to install drivers. Windows is highly customizable up to the open sourced kernel. It is perfect for server, professional and personal use. It was built so everyone frome poor to the richest people can use it for any kind of reason. Most of the servers on the net use only windows. Windows is the only os that was never been hacked before. Windows is a symbol of peace and union.
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    Oh and welcome to devrant :D
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    @amahlaka hahahahaha
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    GUI people 😅
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    @sam0 dammit I was very concerned for about .005765 seconds before I caught on, don't scare me like that. XD
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    @runfrodorun Powershell comes much closer than Windows ever hoped to come before. I have a healthy respect for it but it can never replace bash for me.
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    @runfrodorun and now with the Linux subsystem for Windows I wonder how Powershell will fare in the future.
  • 2
    To install python in windows:
    Go to website, download installer from website, run installer.

    To install python in Linux:
    sudo apt-get install python
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    I tried out bash on Windows. It is pretty good
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    @Romulus10 PowerShell is powerful, yes but those Cmdlets are horribly clunky and hard to remember so that I wouldn't want to write a script without the ISE
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    @NiPfix nobody writes powershell without the ise.
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    Obviously you are the smartest student in the class.
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