There are multiple degrees of security. On one side is a perfect unpenetrable system. On the other side is Windows XP

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    Someone stole your words ;)
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    The only impenetrable system is one that never was.

    Everything can be hacked with enough time and resources.
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    Oh yeah, sorry about that.
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    What about my pc without Internet inside a solid lead box? And no power and buried 500m underground? @Voxera
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    @Jop- huh. Sorry about that. Saw it on Facebook. I can take it down, if you'd like
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    @-ScratchOs well already today they can see through walls with standard wifi routers and special firmware. Who knows what they could do tomorrow.

    The fact that it exists means it is possible to get access.

    It might cost and take time but its not impossible ;)
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