
Because teams is a big fucking waste. Wonder why does it have to use all that cpu, fking pirece shit. They could have made it a simple chat platform, but not Microsoft.
Teams, you've been the main cause of my everyday struggles, and I gave you one last chance but you proved to really like to storm your shit.
F .. at this point we're playing catch me, why do you have to launch yourself again after I just killed you?!
use you crap from browser.

  • 3
    Slacks been good to me
  • 1
    i feel that teams works better for me in ferdi than in browser.

    and that crap _definitely_ won't get on my pc as app for sure.
  • 0
    I think the new preview is much better
  • 2
    It cloggs up CPU so you'd have an excuse to stop being productive at the work you get money for and do chatting/meeting instead, duh!
  • 2
    @vintprox "it cloggs up CPU", like a dive-bar shitter log jammed to overflowing with glitter-covered sewer-meatballs, all sparkly and smelling like what it is: shit.

    it's shit. and everything that calls itself family to it, every product made by the same team? shit. "its dead jim" you hear the voice in your head for the eleventh time, "flush it down", but you know you can't. Because somewhere deep, deep in the bowels of the earth, like the shittiest ninja turtles ever, somewhere deep in the brown pit of satans asshole, microsoft schemes like sauron, to take more mental real-estate, building more beaver-dams of overflowing shitters to suck more joy from your life, more performance from your machine.

    Destroy it. Take your laptop and cast it into the fires of mount doom, or into a lit bbq or something. Force lightening that shit! Throw it into a bathtub along with a plugged in toaster!

    Do something.

    Its not too late to be the change you want to see.
  • 1

    Why, whenever I see you and your prolonged pieces of writing, I'm inspired to do an objection.lol video? You are content magnet!

    Btw, check out the new thumbnail with you. https://youtu.be/_zo7mMeH2xU
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