I'm so tired yo... I'm on 2 startups, one is mine the other some dude I'm working with. Both sites built in PHP. Another side gig slack bot thing in Node JS. And then 2 day time jobs in which I'm deciding which one to quit out of... 🫠😵💀

  • 7
    Don't do this. Enjoy life and take care
  • 7
    relevant. every salsa delivery generates an NFT of a doggo, which links by inscription to the doge blockchain and also performs a decentralized computation on a blockchain based cloud ai!

    All powering conversational chatgpt instances for sentient dildos provided to poverty stricken starving women in third world countries.
  • 1
    Why the fuck?!
  • 2
  • 1
    @KDSBest pffft.. You're not really sold unless your nipples are hard.

    Then you're sold.

    But if you really are sold then I should let you know that we're going to do a series a funding round soon. We don't ever intend to actually turn a profit but after the funding round we're going to the mezzanine level and then being acquired and retiring.
    Atlassian is interested in acquiring us, but says we should pivot to 3d printing nachos and mexican food instead, but as a cloud platform, delivered through drop shipping.
    We also have our best researcher figuring out how to quantumly teleport burritos through televisions. His name is Willy Wonka, hes kinda like Steve jobs, only with less LSD and more horrific work accidents. He once turned a girl into a blueberry, so you know he is good. Thate lior twice as good as a blackberry.
    Were still trying to figure out how to turn her into an apple instead.
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