
Some Breadboard wires porn

  • 1
    So neat
  • 1
    Nice one. So what's it up for? And hopefully it isn't a repost ;)
  • 1
    @KnutKnutsen of course it's not mine, look closely at those 90 degree turned wires, too much work man XD
    Also I hope for no repost as well.
  • 3
    Wow, so much work for prototyping ...

    We both see wires porn, but what I see most is wasted time. In the time it took to organize those wires, this could have been soldered on a protoboard, or designed on a computer.

    But heh, it looks pretty.
  • 3
    My prototype's never look this good
  • 1
    So neat, so sexy!
  • 1
    @sam9669 I can always trust you to find a way to being porn into this
  • 0
    Looks like one of my college projects.
  • 0
    Is this one of those 8 bit computers?
  • 0
    And you even got the LGBT porn in the side as well :)
  • 1
    LGBT porn ????
    Those exist ?? (Not interested but curios)
    also how will L go on T ? *curiosity level 9000*
  • 0
    @sam9669 ever watched lesbian porn? That exists, and gay porn as well. Trans do it as well, though you'll have to ask a trans person who isn't offended by learners
  • 1
    @sam9669 ...Wait,are you now a white guy?
  • 3
    @GhostFish this is the correct shade now, earlier the options were limited
  • 1
  • 0
    Looks like Ben Eater wires
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