
I want to make a web development and software development freelancing business. I had a great idea of a portfolio website for that business with a blog but the best way to make it it's using WordPress. I'm determined in making my own theme but I had a very dynamic and solid idea like adding some Easter egg videogames inside the webpage but with WordPress I can't do that. Another issue it's the time it would take to make this super website. Should I make the website as simple as possible and deploy it or wait until it's mostly done and deploy it?

  • 2
    No matter what the question, WordPress is never the answer.

    Also wait till it's completed till you publish. Unfinished work looks very unprofessional.
  • 0
    Any suggestion on how to add a blog to a website without WordPress. I fucking hate WordPress and don't want to use it. I'm not saying it won't be complete but if I made it simple, elegant and complete and keep making it better over time or wait until all my ideas are done.
  • 2
    Code one :) . Blogs are very simple, using a php framework like laravel you can code one up in an hour or so, less if you use discuss for the comments.
  • 0
    Thanks, I'll write this down and do that.
  • 1
    Maybe not one hour, but rather a few days (I'd you are an experienced dev). Then again, apps like WordPress have so many features you get absolutely for free. I would just go for it and you can make your own in the meantime. You can always migrate the DB later on.
  • 0
    @Huuugo I can migrate the blogs and the domain so that would too be an option.
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