  • 5
    I hope it's running on a different system to the plane 😂
  • 6
    I wonder what would be his reaction if he knows that is a crash 🤔
  • 12
    @gitpush It's not a crash, it's a boot screen. The number of Tuxes (penguins) indicates the number of cores the system has.
  • 2
    @tkenn20 oh I see, thanks for the heads up 😀
  • 2
    @tkenn20 What happens on a Sunway Taihu Light? It has 40,960 Sunway26010 processors, each of them has 260 cores. 10,649,600 pengunis would be a bit too much :P
  • 0
    @Gatgeagent I'm guessing they're running their own Linux distribution... Though if they tried to boot Gentoo on it, they would have an *interesting* boot screen :D

    That said, I'm guessing Linux isn't used on ALL 10,649,600 cores, just on the ones that manage the parallelized execution.
  • 0
    Saw this om /g/
  • 0
    @wolt yup four raspberries for four cores.
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