
Job offers that list "high speed internet and a laptop" as employement benefits realy piss me off. Do they think other companies force you to code on paper and send it trough mail?

  • 7
    Well "laptop" could be worth mentioning. I know several companies that decided for stationary PCs, so their employees have to come physically to the office instead of working from home.
  • 2
    @Picard sometimes they list that as well, like it's a great plus that they give you tools to work at work
  • 7
    A former employer didn't even bother to buy licenses for IDEs... guess notepad++ was sufficient in his understanding 😄
  • 1
    I lol'ed
  • 2

    I list "pick your own hardware, OS & tools" as a benefit when recruiting teams. We assign personal budgets.

    Then we discuss whether the dev's picks are suitable for project requirements, but if someone can convince me that a raspberry pi cluster connected to 2 projectors with a wiimote and a bathtube filled with foam peanuts for a chair will make them super productive... I won't judge.

    But seriously, tell a dev they should probably pick at least one extra monitor, a good keyboard and mouse, proper closed headphones, and maybe a really nice chair — the few grand you spend on hardware and a welcome goodie kit more than offsets the cost of having to pay 20-30k in recruitment costs if your turnover stays too high.
  • 0
    And that is totally fine and (from my POV) a very nice policy. But I also had a former employer who provided a 2k+ worth Dell Laptop (with no admin privileges, you even had to call the admin to install a font file :D), and then a mouse and keyboard with 5 eur in total worth, which guaranteed to give you tendonitis.
  • 0
    @Picard I can't help but notice the "former" 😂

    Which was my point: Make your devs feel at home, because replacing people is more expensive than buying them good tools.
  • 0
    Actually some companies are not so lucky about the internet. Our company is located in one the few buildings in Paris that have a really shitty internet connection. Pushing stuff to the cloud takes forever. For example when I build my Zeppelin docker image from our network, it takes more than 3 hours.
    I'm definitely going to test the internet connection before I accept my next job
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