
When someone asks you to test something before pushing a release...releases anyway and tells you any fixes can just go in the next minor release 😫

  • 0
    They should get sign off before pushing.
  • 1
    There isn't that much strictness on small open source projects 😔
  • 1
    Good point. Would not expect a deep project plan but perhaps if there were basic best practice rules when rolling our small projects it would eliminate problems we all know happen too frequently leading to scope-creep and missed deadlines. Lock down requirements/features, test then push, no dev work on prod site... What do you think?
  • 1
    For large projects I agree on that kind of work flow. They should probably add that kind of thing in a default README when you create a new github repository. That way people who have never done projects that attract outside contribution know the steps that SHOULD be taken when having sole control over the project.
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