
How do you guys deal with loneliness?

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    Sports. Lots of sports.

    Human interaction is overrated as shit.
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    If you talk about boy/girlfriend loneliness, it's "simple", you have to go find it. And not just with dating apps, tinder and such. I was lucky to find my boyfriend in an unrelated app where we talked and got along pretty fast and a year later, we're a couple :)

    If you talk about friends, well it's the same. You have bazillions of ways to make friends. You have to take time to discover people with the same interests as yours and spend some time with them.
    In the meantime, you can always get in touch with family or get a pet, like a lizard if you're cool with it (having exotic pets is also a nice topic of discussion or an ice breaker)

    You don't need to suddenly be social or an extrovert, just find the good balance to lessen the loneliness but keep your comfiness
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    No lies, I fap three to five times a day
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    @ctmalloy this..... this alot.... my tolerance has actually gone up where I can finish a fifth of vodka to myself and barely feel it
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    @ScribeOfGoD Also probably because of vodka, it's too clean, too pure. That's when I turn to whiskey.
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    I write poetry... it doesn't cure it, but it helps to understand yourself. It helps you forgive yourself for feeling so bad for what seems like no reason.
    Hang in there, stay strong, never be afraid to ask for help. You may be lonely but never alone.

    I wish I had something more valuable to say... I'm sorry.
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    Alcohol, devrant, videogames, hobby programming
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    Alcohol. It also comes in handy with that Balmer's Peak!
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    What ever makes you happy and/or relaxed (and most important, you feel comfortable)

    Make a list of things you would like to do but never did or things you like but haven't done in a while. Do at least 2 things on the list each week (if you haven't been swimming in a lake or pool for a lomg time, add it). Keep doing the things you like and you'll find like minded people there. If you feel comfortable enought with them, leave your comfort zone with them.

    Note: it doesn't have to be an outdoor activity, it can be an online discussion forum or playing chess at a local caffee. If you wamted to do something "good" for a long time, just write any organisation that works in that field. Or you could teach someone.

    I perslnally like to go climbing or swimming with friends. I also give free math lessons to refugee children once a week and participing in online discussions (mostly about politics). Other than thag I like to go to concerts. Ag all those activities you get to know people, you get to do stuff and find persons to talk to. But as I said, most important, be yourself and do whatever you feel comfortable with.

    Good luck <3
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    Damn... I'm the only non lonely dev here?
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    @ctmalloy I would love to go straight whiskey, but for the amount of vodka I can get for less of whiskey is to much
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    @ScribeOfGoD I know it's so expensive... For what corn and oak barrels, give me a break lol
  • 10
    Well shit... This just reminded me I'm lonely af...
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    They call me
    Sir porn a lot
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    Breathe a sigh of relief, fap and catch up on some coding.
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    Talk to another person?
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    I jerk off with my tears as lube.
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    Embrace it. Loneliness is not a bug, it's a feature.

    I'm an introvert. So loneliness doesn't bother be much.
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    I embrace it. Have a kid, have a great gf, but as an introvert I need to be alone from time to time.
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    I write poems, books, I draw (I'm not a designer) and I do hungarian folk dancing. These things help. Especially the folk dance. I can touch girls without they slap me. 😁😉 The only thing I worry about is how I get a girlfriend...
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    @codepoet I'm an introvert too and I charge up when I'm alone, but somehow I feel that I need a little group or a person who I can share my successes with. When you fix a bug after 3 days or your AI does something cool, you need to share it. This is how humans work. I think. I like to be alone too, but not always.
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    It's a really dear friend
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    Watching TV shows and pretending I'm living it 🤐
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    I used to deal with it with alcohol. Now my liver is shot but I've got lots of company; I see the doctors and nurses all the time!
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    Often in that order.
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    I feel more distant than I am (I'm engaged to a cute and amazing red-head), but I often deal with loneliness with alcohol, video games, and creative writing. Sometimes just putting thoughts onto paper helps.

    I'm not joking when I say this; try writing a suicide note. If you're anything like me you'll stop halfway through--whether you really want to go through with it or not--and if you ever do go to finish it, you'll stop in order to finish it later.
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    @RiderExMachina You're engaged to a cute redhead #whatisloneliness however, I wouldn't even make it to halfway, let alone a word on the page. Don't know if that's good, or bad lol
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    While I wish I could say depression has left--or even lifted--since I got engaged, I can't. It's practically a cancer and I hate it with everything I have.

    As for the suicide note, I suppose that's good. If you don't suffer from depression then I wouldn't worry about the note. My note suggestion was mostly for someone who is actually literally considering suicide, so if that's not you, I'm glad.
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    @RiderExMachina As my 'alcohol' reply to this rant insinuates, I wish it wasn't for me. Manic-depressive since day one.
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    Just remember you aren't alone, dude. I've seen you on a few rants here and I'd miss you if something happened.

    I mean, the same for quite a few of the members of devRant, but still...
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    @codepoet That's terrible! Tell your friend that she mustn't try to make social an introvert. This is the worst thing what she can do with an introvert.
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    from formersoviet import bride
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    I have ~10 online friends in a Telegram group that I've know for years. I can talk about anything to them without being judged. Also they live so far away that I don't get dragged into exhausting RL activities.
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    I cry, or play games. Nothing else really constructive.
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    Take risk in what you do (lots of it) and push yourself over your limit, that will keep you in stress to solve the issues in front of you, you wont have time for loneliness.

    For me it's usually work, for you maybe something else.

    For the past 2 years it's been working for me pretty well.
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    No lies. I used to be a porn addict. I fapped a lot to escape from it. But one day I determined to stop watching porn and learned to handle emotions. From that moment, I have been doing all goodies in my life.
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    @codepoet no it is a bug. A pretty horrible one in fact.

    Loneliness literally kills. Chronic loneliness can lead to early death, strokes and busload of other crazy health issues. There are countless studies on that.
    It mentally and physically fucks you up. The pain of loneliness is a cry for social connection. Hell there is even a book on the subject : http://amzn.com/0393335283 (Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection)

    Also being introverted doesnt mean being lonely or vice versa.
    Loneliness is not the same as being alone. Its a *subjective* feeling. You can even be married, meet tons of people everyday and yet feel super lonely.

    Ive been through that shit and I know painful that can be, so yeah a definite bug in your social connection code.
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    @jackgreen ok, I may have mistaken being alone to loneliness. My family and friends love me and they're always around, which can be overwhelming at times. Often I feel I need to be left alone for a while.
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    @jackgreen that's why I prefer saying alone instead of lonely.
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