
Today it was decided that we would hide a bug by making a new feature that only hides the bug

I don't like it, but it needs to be done for actual reasons

  • 3
    You're talking about .NET Core, rite?
  • 4
    Sounds like a conversation that happened at VW, emissions testing.
  • 0
    production work and timelines sometimes force us to commit unspeakable acts.

    I spent some time with a group that wrote installers. The final stage was hacktastic: firing SQL statements at completed msi to rearrange module relationships in ways that were unholy. Sometimes even that wasn't good enough. When timelines were pressing, sometimes we'd go in and manually edit the 'final' msi with a tool called "Orca"
    Hacky hacky hacky
  • 0
    @Nelson yup
  • 0
    @Alt-Grrr precisely!

    ...the number of morally dubious things we do as software people would shock.
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