
`grey` is darker than `darkgrey`
(#808080 vs #a9a9a9)

gg CSS

  • 6
    Similarly, `lightskyblue` (#87cefa) isn't a lighter `skyblue` (#87ceeb) -- it just looks a little less green.
  • 1
    @Letmecode haha
    It's annoyed me for several years, too.
  • 2
    @Letmecode oh, one of the distros I've used recently (Ubuntu?) had apparently fixed this in its color selector/etc. by swapping the values. The thought of inconsistencies annoyed me, but it was fixed, so... not really sure how I felt about it. Probably best to leave it incorrect.
  • 9
    Am I the only one only using these color names for white and black? ^^
    else i quickly guess a 3 digit code
  • 2
    Yeah, better sticking to hex or rgb values to be forward compatible
  • 0
    lol what oO
    gonna try out because i never used the names before
  • 1
    @620hun css colors are forward compatible.
  • 1
    Always thought written colours is for those not yet mastered how to read/write hex values
  • 1
    @namnbyte No. They're just for convenience.

    An added benefit is that they (at least somewhat) encourage a consistent set of colors across the web.
  • 0
    @configurator are they? I must have misunderstood what @Ashkin said.
  • 0
    Wow, that's a really good point. Huh.
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