Fuck everything about feelings

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    u alright?
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    We're here OP if you wanna talk. Prob not best place for it, but we are here x
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    You probably just need a croissant.

    What's going on?
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    @Sid2006 Dont worry AI <= you + all of humanity
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    OP have you ever sought professional help for your pain?

    I think there are a ton of charities around that can help with expenses - worth "Bing"ing about 😁.

    From one human to another: sending love ♥️

    It fucking hurts to be alive sometimes
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    @MammaNeedHummus yeah but I just be ranting sometimes.

    Also it’s pretty funny how people recommend professional therapy when exercise has been proven to be 1.5 times more effective with all psychological disorders compared with CBT. So I feel like the better general recommendation is to tell people to exercise. Also professional help is not applicable to all people, expensive, and can even make people’s lives worse. Why do people think it’s ok to recommend therapy as the primary solution?
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    @chonky-quiche I've done some mental health first aid as well as gone through therapy itself.

    I'm no professional but I imagine excise doesn't actually help you process the pain/trauma underneath - instead keeping you feeling good enough not to let it affect you as much.
    Problem with that is the moment you stop due to health or other reasons, you're left with just your untreated pain

    For me, no amount of exercise would exorcise my demons 😊

    But that's just me. Am glad you found something that helps with your day-to-day
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    @MammaNeedHummus I disagree - I feel like exercise helps me process my trauma more effectively than my therapy runs. I find myself actually having to go back to therapy more if I want to make it effective while exercise helps me longer term. It depends on what people mean by exercise though…
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