
Its kinda true. Also this is a rant about "my girl": She had a boyfriend till the first october and we met some while before it. We had sex, she dropped her boyfriend and said "i hope you mean this between us serious". I mean it serious, but she is like "i don't know if we should be together". Now i followed this path and got rid of an other girl because of her (if|else) and she doesn't know if she wants to be together with me. Wtf girl. Also she types "yas" instead of "yes". I don't know what to do.

  • 9
    not trying to say anything about "your girl" in particular but in general people that are being unloyal on others with you are most likely going to be unfaithful to you too.
  • 1
    @yarwest i know :/
  • 1
    so while we are on the whole doctor phil thing anyway, whats so special about this one?
  • 11
    What is her primary key, to speak in the right terms
  • 2
    > How laravel programmers see relations:

    public function wife()
    return $this->belongsTo(Wife::class);
  • 2
    @dennie170 hasMany for mormons 😬
  • 1
    Just don't think about it too much. Enjoy it and have in mind that some day you gonna be disappointed. That's life.
  • 0
    there are loads of people you can do(sex) with. maybe you should base your relationship on something else....
  • 1
    Get a coding girl then you can rule the world and make more smart people.
  • 0
    Nice that he asked for advise, reply once to never reply again
  • 0
  • 1
    @yarwest it solved itself :D sorry dude
  • 0
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