Does anyone do psychedelics? Do you find it hurts your programming performance, increases it, or just general thoughts on the subject?

  • 2
    Nope. I work for an airline... that would be one of the fastest ways for me to lose my job. Zero tolerance.
  • 2
    Nope and of never take that shit personally!
  • 1
    No, because it's illegal. If it was legal however I would definately give DMT a try 🤣
  • 1
    Weed is not a psychedelic, but that's the only one I have experience with: depending on how much I had I am usually extremely productive and efficient. But below a certain level (or when the effect wears off), I'm just tired and want to sleep.
  • 4
    Drugs are bad m'kay.
  • 3
    Sure but i dont code on real psychedelics, only weed which is a mild one. But our frontend guy does them more often and works in that state. His Code is fine, bit conversations strange
  • 2
    Only weed in very small doses. For instance, if I smoked everyday I would use about a gram in a week. High doses make me unproductive, playful and annoying. Also I produce many many bad jokes only I can laugh about ...
  • 0
    like @jeanlucami said... but when you are doing monotonoous stuff like copying about 1000 urls to a fixture file for ya database, like me in this moment, i recommend a quite higher dosis :P
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    @lymbycfyk there you are! Welcome to devrant!
  • 0
    @jeanlucami I code well when slightly high too. Same way if I get super high I'm unproductive
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