Here I am, 'Junior' in my title and on my paycheck, training my 'Senior' colleague on the concept of variable types.

  • 4
    Well, being s senior developer is not about being a code guru (even if it helps) but being a problem solver and getting the right functionality.

    Some old environments did not even have types, everything was basically a string that was parsed on demand to a number.

    You could still build applications but never learn the concept of types.

    But unless he's been locked away I agree that he is a bit late to the table for learning types ;)
  • 13
    Appreciate your co worker for not been a dick and overwhelmed by the senior title and still trying to learn from anyone, even the young junior that just joined
  • 2
    Nothing against my coworker. In the end he's a front end dev for Email Design, where you hardly come across variables. It would just be nice if my payment would be in relation to my knowledge, not years on the job.
  • 0
    Been there
  • 1
    I feel you.. But dont reflect it on him getting what he deserves. If you feel underpaid do something about it @Lobidu
  • 0
    @Voxera I can understand your view on the topic but I say there is nothing such as string in real, everything is integer which in turn is a number. When you go down there, it's all integers and to be specific unsigned integers. And about previous days, people coded in integers and not strings, where numbers were presented as strings if needed. String has gained importance since the nineties from the age of internet harvesting it's immutability.
  • 0
    @vishal1201 to be precise, if you go down that path there is only 1 and 0. ;)

    But even very early computers at least let you put in bytes or in some really early once 6bit words.

    Integer as concept I think came with 16 bit processors.
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