Wondering why rants older than 5 mins are not editable? @dfox

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    To minimize server load

    Basically posting and editing are more or less the same, as you have to reserve your table (?) in the db, also it would be fairly easy to ddos using editing
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    @RazorSh4rk But premium users can edit stuff for longer after posting, so what I'd everyone would become a premium user?
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    It's to prevent abuse/people switching out content after other people have upvoted/commented on it.
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    @linuxxx dfox and trogus would make money
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    @linuxxx @RazorSh4rk the reasoning doesn't have anything to do with systems performance :)
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    It's a human nature engineering feature.
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    Also caching.
    But I get the human factor.
    If you have a problem, you just comment on the rant, or add another comment to the thread.
    And typos will always be there.
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    @dfox Thought so but if I may ask, what's the reasoning? 😅 if you'd rather not answer, that's fine!
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    @linuxxx I wrote it above
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    @dfox My apologies and fair enoug!
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    @Alt-Grrr haha exactly

    @linuxxx no problem just let me know if you want further clarification.
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    @dfox so its because people on the interne t might be assholes because they think they Are anonymous?
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