
Client: We are really happy with your work and enjoy working with you!
Me: Thanks, happy to hear that! I appreciate our collaboration as well.
Client: Great! So... can we get a discount?

Why do people think that being nice also means being cheap!?

  • 0
    Could always markup where you can give 'discounts' to good clients and get paid more to deal with the dumbasses
  • 2
    People will never understand the effort it takes to finish an app/website/...etc. 😒
  • 4
    It's standard to ask. It should be your standard to provide initial prices which are "discount proof"

    Best case they accept the original price.

    Worst case you get the discount proof price.
  • 1
    @gitpush Yeah, especially since they get so much tech for free. "Google/Facebook/etc. already do it so it shouldn't take long, right?".
  • 1
    @polaroidkidd You're right. Still, it sometimes feels like they dare ask 'cause I'm a (relatively) relaxed dude.
  • 0
    @freakko yup their way of thinking :/
  • 2
    I might be a dumbass but if you were the client how would you ask for a discount? 😂
  • 2
    They are just saying nice things to get you on a good mood before asking for a discount 😝 (not saying that they don't like you 😂)
  • 2
    You could raise your starting price with 10% then you can always give 10% discount and take the extra 10% when they don't ask

    Win - win
  • 0
    Well, @Letmecode above you just had the opposite problem...
  • 4
    @BlurryFace5178 But why would you? If you request a price for a service, you get the price. If you ask for a further discount you just piss someone off. You devalue their service.
  • 1
    @deadpool88 Where I come from, bargaining is a common thing. Too common. We bargain from groceries costs to clothing expenses to high school fees to everything. I haven't employed/ been employed anyone for a job like the one mentioned here but I would assume around here, bargaining would be common these cases as well 😂
  • 1
    @freakko being a relatively relaxed dude definitely makes it easier to ask. I know it sounds stupid but have you considered wearing a suit and tie to meet with clients? You'll appear more "business" and less "local developer who does shit for free"
  • 1
    @polaroidkidd That's a good idea. I haven't done it yet. In this case it's not possible since it's a remote project. I'll have to sound more professional in the chat, I guess.
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