
Found a bunch of these in my dad's old drawers. It's a mini floppy disk of 2 MB (i guess).

  • 6
    Sweet old "memories" .!!
  • 4
    Silly you! It's just a 3D printed save button.

    I'm joking. God it's been like 10 years since I've seen one of these things in person.
  • 7
    2 MB, you're joking. These are also single sided, no chance of ever getting that huge amount of data on it.

    Long long ago in a galaxy far away there existed special disk hole puncher to double the data stoage on 5.25" disk for free.
    And stickers for write protection.
    I cannot even remember when I dumped mine, must have been in the late 90s.
  • 2
    DAMN! I used to work on this in early 1990's when dad first got a computer to the house. We still have that PC and bunch of disks though PC doesn't boot, don't know if broken or needs repair. I'd love to run those sweet old games again

    Ya and the disk size is too low I don't think its a 2MB, I recall that PC is about 64MB maybe was it KB I don't remember its specs
  • 3
    I still remember the sound the floppy drive made when digesting one of those. Very close to the sound of the first turn of a car engine.
  • 1
    I still remember the sound of disk 7 of 10 failed to read. Oh the horror
  • 2
    @magicMirror Today the only thing left of floppy drives is their sound :-)
    Do you know the Floppotron: https://youtube.com/watch/...
  • 3
    Damn.....remember the tape over the notch?
  • 1
    As far as I remember, they were of 1.44 MB.
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