Oh no.
CalDAV server and client use the same DB table. Server expects a column to be called uri, client expects column to be called url.

  • 2
    Not designed to run on the same DB :/

    Use separate sql users and make them obly see their own tables might solve it?
  • 2
    @Voxera So close to not need another database. (Can only have many databases.)
  • 1
    damn... calDav is pretty cool though.

    got the app (apk online only) called calDav-sync and it syncs my phone calender perfectly with my raspberry through it
  • 0
    Plot twist: Apparently, most stuff works very good on the client without the principals table. 👀 So let's see how much time I can get away with just one db. 😁
  • 3
    Generated columns.

  • 1
    @IntrusionCM Damn, you're right. This clearly wasn't one of my clearest days.
  • 1
    @c3r38r170 it was just a guess. But I know these moments...

    When you just think: Guys. Grab a pitchfork, make your rectum happy, fuck this, I'm out

  • 4
    Use a capital I and they'll both be happy
  • 0
    @Voxera && @c3r38r170
    Designed not to be on the same DB.
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